Zodiac Magic: 2023 Halloween Makeup Ideas Based on Your Sign

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By Akshita

Are you confused on the idea of what look you should choose for Halloween this year? Do you not want to dress up as something basic and cliche? Well, you’re at the right place then. Specially if you have a soft spot for astrology, zodiac and horror scope kind of things. You can choose to go for a look that is completely based on your zodiac sign. We have a collection of 12 very unique looking makeup ideas for Halloween that represent each sign individually. What sign is yours?

1. Aries

If the ram emblem of Aries is any indicator, persons born under this fire sign are more prone to sustain head traumas during their lifetime. This has nothing to do with being prone to accidents. This makeup look is one for the books. We are going for complete orange coverage since Aries is a fire sign. Matching the symbol of this zodiac, we will add a cardboard horn and use some prosthetic to create the texture on the forehead and cheekbones. You also have to use black face-paint for the darker designs and lastly some white for the highlighted part. Don’t forget to conceal your eyebrows and use warm tones of eye shadow to create dimension into your makeup. Devilish blacked out eyes can be achieved using contact lens and you can pick the lipstick of your own choice.

Zodiac Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua


Taurus, if your phone’s alarm, set for every five minutes past 7 a.m., sounds like a symphony, you’re not alone. Mornings aren’t your thing. Hey, you’re ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and love, and you’re considered to be dedicated, so it stands to reason that you’re dedicated to your beauty sleep. Talking of sleep, let’s add a bunch of eyes into this look. Firstly, we will go for cooler tone for the skin, light grey, ash blue, colors of that sort. Add cardboard cutouts for the winged shapes eyes and make use of some prosthetic to stick these cutouts to your face. Use purple and dark grey with some black to add details and some white for the highlight. A good old Taurus symbol on the forehead won’t hurt either. And yes, blacked out eyes again.

Zodiac Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua


Problem-solving comes naturally to Geminis, especially when it involves overcoming mental roadblocks or using their imagination to create innovative solutions. They have a propensity for quickly comprehending complex difficulties and finding novel solutions. As a result, they are ideal for jobs that need mental flexibility or ingenuity. For this Gemini look, we will go for simple black and white colour code. Conceal your eyebrows and use grey eye shadow for creating dimension on your T zone. Blacked out eyes with elf like pointy ears. Use prosthetic and cardboard to achieve the ear look perfectly. For the lips, consider using cold tone colors with concealer in the inner lips part. Finish it off using clear liquid gloss.

Zodiac Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua


Cancers appreciate unique items, which stem from their nurturing, creative, and artistic characteristics. The moon governs their moods and emotions. Talking of artsy nature and uniqueness, this look utilizes some really unique colors. Blue face paint for the base with white highlights. Blacked out eyes with concealed brows and the most fun thing, neon green for details. Use neon green face paint to create web like design and outline it with black. Try making eye like design, right above and below your actual eyes, fill in with black and use white for the highlight. Use prosthetic to make thorns coming out of your face and don’t forget to put some neon green on those thorns.

Zodiac Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua


Leos’ best and most distinguishing features are their hair, which makes sense given that the lion is their symbol. You have your sign whether you were born with an abnormally large head of hair or have locks that are the envy of everyone you know. Considering the lion, we will go for warmer colors with this one. Black winged eyeliner to have that lion gaze, with blacked out eyes. Pale skin tone in the center of the face but the sides will be orange ish in hue. Conceal your brows and give yourself a sunset eye shadow look on your eyelids. Use red face paint along with brown, orange and yellow eye-shadow for creating wave like design over the pale area of the face. Blurry Korean lips is perfect for this look.

Zodiac Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua


A Virgo woman is nurturing and compassionate. They are rarely ferocious and violent in attitude. It is not incorrect to suggest that a Virgo lady is the greatest blend of beauty and intelligence. Keeping in mind the femininity, we will choose pink! A little Disney vibe. Wine pink for the entire face with white as highlight under the eyes, on forehead, chin and on the tip of the nose. Elf like ears can be made using cardboard and prosthetic. Use white eyeliner or face paint to draw veins. Conceal your eyebrows and wear a pair of white eye lens with long white lashes. Also, use some light glue and stick some flowers on your face because why not.

Zodiac Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua


Libra is represented as an inanimate object, namely the scales. Libra’s yearning for fairness, balance, harmony, and fair play is revealed through the scales. The glyph for Libra represents an equal sign or the horizon with the Sun rising over it. Use cardboard to create the headpiece that looks like a scale and has the Libra glyph in the center. For the makeup, we will go with White Brown and black. As easy as that.

Zodiac Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua

8. Scorpio

Scorpios are notorious for their brutality. They are single-minded in their pursuit of their lofty goals. Scorpios don’t see or create boundaries in their lives, and they won’t let anyone tell them that they can’t have what they want. Scorpios aren’t known for revealing their cards. Talking about not revealing the cards, we will go for a totally unexpected colour scheme. Purple and neon blue. Purple for the face with light blue in the center, as highlight. Go for the witch vibe. Use prosthetic for making sharp fins on your face and use neon blue for painting the patches. Tiny pointy ears will only require a little prosthetic and put on some black lens to let your eyes do the trick.

Zodiac Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua

9. Sagittarius

If you’re a Sagittarius with goals of becoming famous or well-known, keep pursuing them because Sagittarians, noted for their optimistic, determined, and confident features, are said to be the most likely of all the signs to become famous or well-known. For this look, we will work with different shades of blue and white for the center. Eyebrows should be naturalistic and groomed and blend some blue with black for blue smokey eyes. Use white eyeliner to draw details and lastly use a toothbrush to sprinkle dark blue on your face and create freckles. Also, don’t forget those dark blue lips.

Zodiac Halloween Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua

10. Capricorn

Capricorns are known for their recognized ability to lead, as well as their loyal, hardworking, and family-oriented attitudes. They work incessantly on large projects and always keep their long-term goals in mind. The colour scheme for this look is a little unconventional but looks great. Blue in the outside and Green in the center. Use black liner to create a border between these two colors. Use darker blue eye shadow to create dimension the cheekbone, and golden to add details on the green.

Zodiac Halloween Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua

11. Aquarius

If you’re an Aquarius, you’re probably a master of teamwork and a natural at communicating your emotions. You’re probably also one of those persons that has ice cold hands and feet. What’s the reason? Aquarius governs bodily circulation. This is why we are going to work with cold hues like white, blue, grey and various shades of these colors. Blue and white face/body paint will become the base. Use black for the details and use some blue eye shadow to add more dimensions. A touch of liquid gold lines will help accentuate the look. Don’t forget those blurry contact lenses that will make you look out of this world. Lastly, add an extravagant headpiece to finish this look.

Zodiac Halloween Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua

12. Pisces

Considering that the symbol of Pisces is Fish, we will go for an aquatic mermaid like look. Blue and White will be the main colors, blue outside and white in the middle. Conceal the eyebrows and use blue eye shadow to create shadows. Now use white eyeliner to draw the waves on the blue part. Using some white contacts and eyelashes will make you look even better. Extra points for the head piece.

Zodiac Halloween Makeup
Tiktok @hollierose.mua

Zodiac Magic: 2023 Halloween Makeup Ideas Based on Your Sign Top Beauty Magazines

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