One of the most common issues that complicate puberty are blemished skin and stubborn acne. Let’s look at what grooming products should be in a teen’s cosmetic bag and how to care for facial skin properly so it stays clean, matte, and fresh.
The Characteristics and Requirements of Adolescent Skin
The hormonal changes that occur in the body during puberty cannot help but affect the skin. The first changes usually appear between 12 and 13, but some teenagers experience them as early as 10-11, depending on individual characteristics. The function of the sebaceous glands increases, resulting in the following dermatological problems:
- Shine with an oily gloss,
- pores that are enlarged,
- comedones, both closed and open
- “Juvenile” acne, acne, and other imperfections associated with sebum hypersecretion.
However, puberty may be accompanied by more than just a penchant for acne – some teenagers have hypersensitivity to the skin, a propensity for allergic reactions, or atopy. Beautician recommendations can and should address these issues by selecting unique cosmetics for adolescents and competent primary teenage skin care. Teenagers typically start using cosmetics around 14, but baby cleansers, moisturizers, and SPF products may be required even earlier. After evaluating the skin’s condition, the expert will determine what should be in a teenager’s cosmetic bag and what should emphasize points in daily care.
Instructions for Use
What cosmetics to choose for a teenager and how to properly care for your face stimulates the type and condition of the skin. This criterion is the key to the algorithm of everyday beauty-ritual irrespective of age.
Skin that is Oily and Problematic:
Oily, rashes-prone skin requires thorough cleansing, matting, and acne prevention. Face wash with sebum-regulating ingredients is recommended, and a lotion or tonic should always follow cleansing.
Light moisturizing and matting creams that do not clog pores, such as Botanic Cream with green tea, are also required for primary care.
Dehydrated skin manifests as a lack of hydration or intense moisture loss resulting from a breach in the protective barrier. The skin thins, become sensitive and develop flaky patches, tightness, and discomfort. In this case, the action of care cosmetics for teenagers should be aimed at intensive moisturizing and barrier strengthening, such as with Hyaluronic Aloe-Gel or Burdock Cream.
Owners of mixed skin should pay attention to the delicacy that dry areas require and thorough cleansing to combat signs of oiliness in the T-zone. In this case, a teenager’s cosmetics list should include worldwide products suitable for combination skin, such as Micellar Water for cleansing and Green Tea Cream or Hyaluronic Aloe Gel for care.
Important: The above recommendations are only guidelines and do not consider each teenager’s unique characteristics. It is preferable to consult a specialist – a beautician or dermatologist – for a more precise selection of products for teenage skin.
Choosing Cosmetics for Teenagers
The needs of teenage skin cannot be fully met by children’s or adult beauty products – for the pubertal period, unique formulas adapted to the age and condition of the skin are required. What are the typical requirements for teenage facial cosmetics?
- Relevance: The product’s caring formula should consider the condition, type, and features of the consumer’s skin.
- Quality and security: Only quality ingredients in safe concentrations that have clinically proven efficacy and are not harmful to the skin, which is especially vulnerable during puberty, are used in the best cosmetics for teenagers. If you are hypersensitive and prone to allergies, it is best to choose hypoallergenic formulations that have been dermatologist-tested.
- The manufacturer’s brand’s dependability: The company that makes “youth” cosmetics should have a stellar reputation. Purchasing products from trusted sources (official websites or pharmacies) is critical to ensure you are not purchasing a counterfeit.
Checklist for a Teenager’s Basic Cosmetics Kit
The list of cosmetics for a teenager is created with the nuances of the daily beauty routine in mind. The care algorithm typically consists of four steps: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and photoprotection. Let’s see what products are required.
Cleansing should be gentle and effective, especially if you are prone to sebum hypersecretion. Teenagers should use gentle cleansers that contain sebum-regulating and antibacterial ingredients such as zinc, BHA acid, clay, and so on. Try the Micellar Water or the Anti-Black Spot Gel for daily cleansing. Try the Steam Mask with Zinc for a more thorough cleanse.
Toning completes the cleansing process and prepares the skin for additional care. For signs of dryness, choose cosmetics for teenage skin that contain moisturizing ingredients, such as Hyaluronic Aloe Toner.
Regardless of your skin type or features, moisturizing is integral to your beauty routine. Teenagers should look for non-comedogenic products containing hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides, and natural ingredients that moisturize the skin. Choose light-textured creams for teenage skin, such as Hyaluronic Aloe Gel or Rose Water Cream for dry skin and Green Tea Extract for combination and oily skin.
Older adolescent girls who already wear makeup can pair facial skincare and light makeup with a suitable BB cream.
No basic teen makeup kit is complete without effective sunscreen. Using it all year round, not just in the summer, is essential because it protects the skin from UVA rays and keeps it supple and radiant. Sunscreen Milk SPF 50 or SPF 30 is appropriate for face and body photoprotection.