Everything About the Brazilian Manicure

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By Sushmita

The Brazilian manicure, which is very popular on social networks, promises more beautiful nails for a longer time. We will be telling you everything!

Brazil, at the epicenter of trends? Brazilian women’s beauty secrets have captivated the world for many years. The Brazilian manicure has been on social media for a while. What distinguishes it? A rather unusual method of applying its varnish!

What Exactly is a Brazilian Manicure?

Brazilian Manicure

The Brazilian manicure is a growing trend, with nearly 850,000 Tik-Tok views for the hashtag #brazilianmanicure. Fortunately for the less talented among us, it is not necessary to become a nail art pro to paint small Brazilian flags on each of its nails. There is nothing to see! On the other hand, the Brazilian manicure should satisfy the less meticulous among us! This modern technique involves applying varnish to the entire nail, overflowing on the edges and cuticles, and is very common in this Latin American country.

Why Should You get a Brazilian Manicure?

Brazilian Manicure

What is the appeal of this revolutionary technique? The Brazilian manicure would ensure a more uniform and longer-lasting application of varnish! This Brazilian hand beauty method can be applied to both the hands and feet’s nails, resulting in a trendy and long-lasting Brazilian pedicure!

How to Try a Brazilian Manicure?

Brazilian Manicure

The Brazilian manicure is more than just a quick coat of varnish (on hands or feet). We begin by exfoliating and moisturizing the area, for example, with moisturizing gloves, then we push back the cuticles and shape the nails, all before applying the varnish!

  • We start with a base coat.
  • We apply a layer of nail polish without much thought, intending to have it overflow on the edge of the nail and the cuticles.
  • We wait 5 to 10 minutes (depending on the varnish) for it to dry before correcting minor flaws. We’ll do this by soaking a boxwood stick in nail polish remover and erasing all the small frills.

What is the key? A neat, smooth, shiny manicure that will last much longer than a traditional one! Do you want to give it a try?

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