12 Common Mistakes That Can Weaken Your Hair

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By Jyoti Shaw

Having strong, healthy hair is important to many people. However, there are several common hair care mistakes people make that can actually damage hair over time. In this blog post, we will look at 12 of the most common hair care mistakes that can lead to weak, brittle hair. By being aware of these issues and adjusting certain habits, you can help maintain your hair’s strength and vitality.

1.Washing Too Frequently

One of the most common hair care mistakes people make is washing their hair too often. While it may seem counterintuitive, over-washing hair can strip it of its natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage over time. For most hair types, washing 2-3 times per week is sufficient. Those with dry or damaged hair may even benefit from less frequent washing, such as once a week.

2.Using Water That’s Too Hot

Another haircare habit to watch out for is using water that is too hot when washing and rinsing. Hot water can disrupt the protein bonds in hair, causing the strands to become brittle and prone to snapping. Lukewarm or cool water is gentler and less likely to damage hair. Try to turn down your water temperature and avoid sustained exposure to hot water when showering.

3.Brushing When Wet

Common Hair Care Mistakes to Avoid
Source: Pinterest.com

Another hair care mistakes is to avoid brushing your hair when it is soaking wet. Hair is in a vulnerable state when wet and more prone to breakage from friction and pulling. Let your hair air dry or gently pat dry with a towel before brushing to prevent extra stress on the strands.

4.Not Getting Trims Regularly

Common Hair Care Mistakes to Avoid
Source: Pinterest.com

Trimming your hair every 6-8 weeks is recommended for maintaining healthier strands. Split ends have a tendency to split up the hair shaft, getting progressively worse if they are not trimmed off. Scheduling regular trims helps remove these damaged ends and keeps hair looking and feeling its best.

5.Using Damaging Styling Products

Many conventional hair styling products come with harsh chemicals like sulfates, parabens and alcohols that can strip away moisture and wear down hair over time. Choosing gentler, more natural styling products is an easy way to prevent unnecessary chemical damage. Look for options that are sulfate-free, paraben-free and made with nourishing ingredients.

6.Excessive Heat Styling

Regular use of heat styling tools such as blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons can seriously weaken hair. The intense heat essentially “cooks” hair, causing bonds in the strands to fracture and split ends to form. Let your hair air dry when possible and minimize the temperature and frequency of heat styling. Protective sprays or serums can also help shield hair from thermal damage.

7.Tight Hairstyles

Common Hair Care Mistakes to Avoid
Source: Pinterest.com

Tight hairstyles like ponytails and buns generates tension on the strands, which can eventually result in breakage.Try to avoid tightly-pulled styles as your daily go-to look. When you do want a sleek updo, use fabric hair ties instead of regular elastic bands to put less stress on the hair.

8.Improper Detangling

Working through knots and tangles incorrectly can definitely lead to unnecessary hair loss. Always detangle gently and patiently, starting from the bottom ends of hair and making your way up to the roots. Use a wide-toothed comb, brush or your fingers to gently tease apart knots instead of ripping through them aggressively.

9.Not Using Conditioner

Conditioner helps restore hydration and smooth down the hair cuticle after the stripping process of shampoo. Skipping this step denies your hair much-needed moisture. Getting into the habit of shampooing and conditioning every time you wash helps keep hair protected. Focus conditioner on the mid-lengths and ends instead of roots.


There is such a thing as over-brushing your strands. Too much brushing, especially with a thin brush, can scrape the hair cuticle, cause friction damage and even pull out hair from the roots. Limit daily brushing to 2-3 times max, being gentle and using a wide-toothed comb.

11.Improper Diet

Just like skin, our hair health is also affected by our diet and nutrition. Eating a nutrient-rich diet supports stronger, healthier hair growth. Make sure to get plenty of whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts and fatty acids from foods like avocados and salmon. Stay hydrated and take a daily multivitamin if needed.

12.Not Protecting From Sun

Exposure to UV rays doesn’t just damage your skin – it also affects hair. The sun’s radiation breaks down the bonds in hair, causing dryness, brittleness, fading and damage over time. Wear a hat or use an SPF spray to shield your hair from excessive time in the sun.

While it’s almost impossible to completely prevent hair damage, being aware of these common hair care mistakes can have a substantial impact in maintaining stronger, healthier hair as part of your daily routine. Our hair goes through enough wear and tear just from regular styling, washing and environmental factors. Avoiding certain errors will help minimize unnecessary extra stress on your strands. With some simple tweaks to your hair care habits, you can keep your locks looking their best.

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